Emergency Management and Business Continuity
The University is committed to a fast and effective response should a major incident occur in connection with the University's activities.  The University’s activities, whilst primarily based in north Wales, reach across many different geographical locations and environments and involve many different people and possibilities. The University seeks to address such incidents in the interests of protecting individuals, facilities and its reputation and restore normal operations as soon as is practical and appropriate.
The University has an established policy for the emergency management of major incidents. Should they occur, such incidents will normally be an event that threatens or has serious consequences to:
- staff, student, visitors or contractors’ safety (whether on site or not)
- significant damage to any University facility
- significant risk to the University’s reputation
The Chief Operating Officer, Mr Michael Flanagan, is the Strategic Lead for emergency management within the University. Oversight of emergency management and major incidents is the responsibility of Gwenan Hine, University Secretary who is the Tactical Lead.
The policy framework clearly sets out the management and communication processes required to respond to major incidents, commensurate with the nature and scale of any emergency, and the University has a number of designated individuals trained in emergency management and briefed in readiness should a major incident be declared.
To report an incident call the University’s security team on 333.